Tuesday 17 September 2013

Bingo Blitz - Card Possibility

This is one for the nerds. Do you know how many different cards there can be in a standard 75-ball bingo game where the middle square is covered? Read on to find out!

Bingo Blitz follows a standard 75-ball bingo game where the middle square of each card is covered already. Each square is 5x5, meaning each card has 25 squares. With one already covered, this leaves 24 numbers needed for the rest of the card. It is not as simple as choosing 24 numbers from 75 because he bingo cards are split into 5 columns, namely B, I, N, G and O. Combinations and permutations are taken from each of the columns and put together to make a full card.

This is just one of many possible bingo card combinations

Column B uses numbers 1-15
Column I uses numbers 16-30
Column N uses numbers 31-45
Column G uses numbers 46-60
Column O uses numbers 61-75

The number of possible bingo cards here can be calculated by using some mathematics i.e. permuations. This is simply how many different ways are there picking a certain number of items from the whole pool of items where the order of the items picked is important. As stated, this uses 5 different columns and so the permutation for each column would need to be worked out. This is done using this formula:

Permutation formula

Where P is for permutation
            n is for number of items to chose from
            r is number of items to be chosen

The exclamation mark represents factorial. It means multiplying all of the numbers together up to and including the number before the exclamation mark. For example,

2! = 2 x 1 = 2
3! = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6
4! 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24

and so on.

In this case, n is 15. Columns B, I, G and O have r as 5, where as column N has r as 4 because only 4 numbers need to be chose for this column.

So, as can be seen, columns B, I, G and O all have the same formula. Essentially, we place n = 15 and r = 5 into the formula above. This is:

15! divided by 10!

There will be some cancellations in this here as both 15! and 10! contain the first 10 numbers. The permutation for columns B, I, G and O is,

 11 x 12 x 13 x 14 x 15 = 360360

Now, the permutation for column N is n = 15 and r = 4. This is

15! divided by 11!

Again, there is some cancellation here because both contain the first 11 numbers. This leaves:

12 x 13 x 14 x 15 = 32760

Now is where we put all of these together using multiplication because of how many permutations there are in having just 2 columns different. We simply multiply the 2 numbers in bold from above, but keeping in mind that 360360 is to be used 4 times for the 4 columns of B, I, G and O.

Our answer is:

360360 x 360360 x 32760 x 360360 x 360360 = 552,446,474,061,128,648,601,600,000

So there are 552,446,474,061,128,648,601,600,000 different possible cards! It is safe to say that no one will have the same card as you.

Monday 16 September 2013

Bingo Blitz - Tournament Tips

Hello everyone. This blog will contain tips on how to be successful in the daily tournament. Follow the steps given here to increase your chances of winning the elusive red gem to complete the crown.

The daily tournament has been a permanent feature of Bingo Blitz since its inception. This is the one room that has the most player going in and out of the room per day. Not many of them go in with any kind of tactic or advantage, and you can capitalise on this by using this strategy given here. It must be said that these tips will by no means guarantee you the red gem because Bingo Blitz relies on a random number generator and there is no guarantee that these numbers will benefit you. Nevertheless, these tips can maximise your chances of success. The usual benchmark to win the red gem is set around 2,050. If you get more than this, it could be time to get excited!

Firstly, we should run through how to score points in the daily tournament. Your score is simply how many coins you earn. These are accumulated by clicking on coin squares and getting bingos. The scoring is as follows:

50 coins per bingo
Between 10-50 coins per coin square clicked

Remember that having a double payout will double the amount you achieve for that particular round.

Here are the tips we think will help you to become better in the daily tournament and hopefully be on the way to plenty of red gems.

The Right Mix of Power Ups

There is no point in entering anything in life without being well-equipped for the task in hand. The same applies for Bingo Blitz and the daily tournament. If your power ups look anything like the following, it is safe to say that you won't be likely to win the red gem:

These power ups won't aid you to win the red gem

You need the optimum mix of power ups. This would be as follows as a minimum requirement:

5 x Instant Win
5 x Double Payout
10 x Coins Squares
10 x Double Daub
3 x Super Charger

This leaves you with a great chance of success. Bingo Blitz usually gives instant wins as an early power either first or second. Preferably, you want the double payout to be the final power up you use. This is explained further in the Power Ups Advice article. It may be hard to get this mix of power ups, but our suggestion is to play in the Blackout room because instant wins cannot be used here and double payout can only be used once per round. You should be reluctant to use double daubs in here too. Coin squares are a green power up and are easy to get more of so don't worry about using coin squares in Blackout.

This should give you more chance of bingos and lead to a higher score.


This is a controversial subject in Bingo Blitz but it is the difference between more successful players to the lesser ones. Read our article on holding here to see why you shouldn't refrain from doing it yourself. If you aren't familiar with holding, it is simply having a bingo but NOT calling it until towards the end of the round. What this enables you to do is click on more coin squares that would have been wasted had you pressed bingo. It also helps in that you can still click bingos on this card which help towards the next power up which could be very crucial.

Remember to call your bingo before it's too late, though - you don't want to miss out on 50 coins!

You can watch this video from TheXmenForce which backs up this tips here.


Here is a picture of me winning my second red gem to complete the second crown. I generally don't play with these tactics because I prefer to complete other rooms. But recently, I decided to complete my second crown. I achieved this with a score of 2,102.

Winning the red gem implementing these tactics

Bingo Blitz - Holders

A topic of great debate over the years of Bingo Blitz is the 'holders'. People's opinion on them is divided and people call them unfair, where as some people think it helps. We will set the record straight here.

It is important to define the term 'holder' to those who do not know. 

A holder is a player who gets a bingo but doesn't press the bingo button. Instead, the player waits until the end of the round before calling the bingo. 

It does seem a very innocent act for a player to do, but there are people who complain about it and call it unfair. Firstly, before giving the actual article's view on the holders, we will give the advantages and disadvantages of someone who 'holds.


  • Gain more coins
  • Gain more treasure chests
  • Be able to click more numbers - more xp and more numbers to daub for power up meter.


  • Possibility of missing bingo if the final few bingos are called quickly.
  • More cards to focus on than if bingo was called.

It seems quite obvious for a player to hold. Players can call it selfish if they hold to get more coins and treasure chests, but it is a very legitimate and honest tactic. These extra coins can be used for the slot rooms and the extra treasure chests could contain credits or even a collection item! The player could miss the bingo if they aren't careful, but any good holder will keep an eye on the bingos remaining in the round to ensure they get the bingo. Below we will address some of the questions and complaints people have about holders.

It's selfish!

Is it? Isn't human nature all about getting more for yourself for free? Holding just ensures that a player can collect the coin squares and treasure chests on a card without them being wasted. It is a tactic available to everyone and cannot be considered selfish if everyone can do this and not affect anyone else.

They take my bingos!

This is the common misconception associated with holders; other players think they are 'stealing' their bingos. Personally, I just see it as a gripe opportunity for a player who loses. It is simply optimising the payout a player gets. There is no mathematical sense to the notion of 'stealing' bingos. Below I will show why there is nothing to back up the claim of 'stealing' the bingos.

Ok, let's say we are in a room with 40 bingos. The average games lasts for 23-24 balls called. Let's say that the first bingo is called after 2 balls have been called. Second and third place follow shortly after on the 3th and 5th balls called respectively. Now, the holders come into play. Every bingo from 4th to nth (where n is the number of bingos in the round; n = 40 here) pays out exactly the same in terms of coins and credits. Why would a player call a bingo now on the 6th ball when they could call it on the 22nd ball and have more coins, more treasure chests and more XP? This is holding. A player may get a bingo on the 7th ball, another five players may get a bingo on the 9th ball and another two players get a bingo on the 8th ball. It does not matter when these players call the bingo; the fact is that they have one and can call it anywhere between now and round over. Their actions do not affect any other player. This is what causes the confusion and anger amongst non-holders. They think that holders are stealing their bingos when, in fact, they already had a bingo and can call it anytime. Hopefully this can be explained better in the diagram below.

The round ends too fast!

Does that not mean that the middle of the game goes slow? Let's not forget that Bingo Blitz is a fixed game based on a random number generator which allows for the game to end at roughly the same time each time, given that there are enough players playing. As stated, the average game lasts for 23-24 numbers. A person once said to me "the game ends too fast because of holders", which I think is silly really and just a chance to complain about something due to them being a sore loser. Not all players are holders and they call their bingos when they get them. This allows holders to judge when to call their bingo(s). This is what causes a lot of bingos to be called at the end of the round. Because the holders didn't call the bingos when they actually earned them, this surely slowed down the round in the middle part.

Note: It isn't just holders which cause an end-of-round rush of bingos. Mathematically speaking, after 20-odd numbers called and single/double daubs used, it is very likely that many players will need the same number anyway.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Bingo Blitz - Scammers

This post is to alert people of the scammers which operate on Facebook to get people's personal details.

Facebook can be a dangerous place for those who are new or not-so-technologically-aware. An example of a scam is below:

You may not see what's wrong with this, but we will explain this below.

How to Identify a Scammer:

The Blue Checkmark: Only official and verified Facebook pages have the blue checkmark. This means they are the real page representing a major organisation. Always click onto the page to check if the checkmark is beside the page name. If the checkmark isn't there, it's not the official page and they probably are a scam.

The blue checkmark (circled) identies an official page

Blue Highlight: Only the official page will have a blue highlight over the page name in the comments section of a post. This should help filter out any scam comments from unofficial pages.

The page name is highlighted to signify the official page

Scams are affecting Bingo Blitz and their reputation. This, in turn, means they lose players because they think Bingo Blitz are asking players to fill in surveys for credits against their will. This leads to them wanting more money because - let's not forget - Bingo Blitz are a business and all businesses want to make profit. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Bingo Blitz - TheXmenForce

Hi guys. I just want to share with you a Bingo Blitz player who shares his progress on YouTube and also offers hints and tips.

His YouTube account is TheXmenForce and you can visit this by clicking here. I recommend subscribing to him for help so you can be successful at Bingo Blitz. An example video can be seen here:

Over time, we will bring you gameplay and tips, but this is a great place to watch Bingo Blitz videos for the meantime.

Bingo Blitz - Power Ups Advice

Like every game, there are tactics which can make you a better player. Bingo is no exception, especially with the inclusion of power ups. Here we will show you what is the best way to utilise them. We advise that you read what the power ups do here before reading on.

Get Optimal Power Ups

Bingo Blitz includes a power ups meter. Once a power up is used, it takes a while before this meter cools down for numbers being daubed to help towards the next power up. During the cooling down time, any number daubed won't help towards the next power up. My first tip here is to wait once you use a power up. Don't daub any numbers in the period of the bar cooling down. Doing this will ensure that you have the maximum amount of numbers to be able to daub and get the next power up as quick as possible. There is no point in daubing numbers with them not contributing to the power up bar because you may find yourself with a run of 3 or 4 numbers not on your cards, meaning you are at a disadvantage to other players. This does require good attention and speed to be able to daub quite a few numbers in a row after getting the power up to ensure that you don't fall behind in terms of numbers. You need to keep up with the game.

Note: This tip is mainly useful for where you want to win the shadow card which you have got. Maximum optimality and efficiency will help towards - but not guarantee - this.

The Efficient Order

The power ups given are generally random, but recently there has been a slight tendency towards the better power ups being used first. There is a perfect order of power ups which could be used for you to gain the best advantage. For the tournament room, this goes:

1st power up: Instant Win
2nd - (n-1)th power up: Coin Squares
nth power up: Double Payout

Where 'n' is the total number of power ups used per round.

This enables the player to have the highest chance of bingos with plenty of coin squares to use. The double payout at the end ensures that all coins earned are doubled. However, the addition of the super charger power up has slightly caused debate over this system here. This power up could be used 2nd if used at all.

Waiting Double Daub

Occasionally, you may find yourself close to a bingo and with poor power ups left i.e. coins squares or treasure chests. You may have a double daub waiting to be used. A good tactic to use here would be to wait until close to the end to use this. Often, a player can use a single or double daub in the game and then for the number to be called that this automatic daub went on. It is efficient to wait until the end so that all numbers called have been manually daubed by the player and then to use the double daub to take 2 free spaces up. This has a high chance on landing a bingo if the player is one or two numbers away from a bingo in 2 or 3 places per card.